
This page is part of our instructions for drafting your own simple will under the laws of Washington State. We wrote these instructions for a very specific audience, and they may be completely wrong as applied to you.

To find out if these instructions are appropriate for you, visit our Get Started page and choose a legal document you would like to draft.

If you wish to continue reading these instructions without finding out if they are appropriate for you, then you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and that you have read and agree to our terms of use and privacy policy.

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Download the Simple Will Template

These instructions will guide you through editing your own copy of the simple will template. If you have not already done so, visit the free model forms page and download the simple will template. Save the simple will template in a folder on your hard drive where you can easily find it later.

We recommend that you rename the template file to something useful, such as “Draft of My Will”. After you have renamed it, open your copy of the simple will template to get a sense of what it contains.

The simple will template already contains most of the layout and text formatting that will be required. We recommend that you do not make any unnecessary adjustments to the fonts, font sizes, margins, or other document styles at this time.

This website will not save a copy of your simple will template after you start making changes to it. We encourage you to make backup copies of the draft of your simple will while you are working on it.
