
This page is part of our instructions for drafting your own simple will under the laws of Washington State. We wrote these instructions for a very specific audience, and they may be completely wrong as applied to you.

To find out if these instructions are appropriate for you, visit our Get Started page and choose a legal document you would like to draft.

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Will-Drafting Instructions

Below is a list of entries, each of which contains instructions for a part of your simple will. Starting at the first entry, read each entry and follow the instructions it contains before moving on to the next entry. Work your way through all of the entries, one by one, until you have completed every entry on this page. This process will probably take a long time, and it is very unlikely that you will finish all of these entries in one sitting. We therefore recommend that you “bookmark” or “favorite” this page in your browser to make it easier to find your way back here.

Read through each of these links. Do not skip any, even if you believe their contents do not apply to you.

Introductory Clause
Revocation Clause
Family Clause
Payment of Debts Clause
Memorial Requests
Statement Regarding Custodianships
Appointment of Fiduciaries
Duties and Powers of Fiduciaries
General Provisions
Signature Lines and Affidavit
Formatting and Review

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